Mercury MerCruiser engines and drive systems are designed, tested, and built exclusively for the marine environment.

For over 50 years MerCruiser has focused on engineering marine propulsion systems that go way beyond conventionally accepted standards.

MerCruiser power consistently delivers maximum performance with minimum maintenance. All systems are designed and built to last so that you will get the most of your time on the water for a long, long time to come.

  • Water-cooled and insulated fuel systems on all gas fuel-injected models help keep fuel temperatures down and reduce the potential for vapour lock.
  • All MerCruiser engines are designed to run on lower-cost 87-octane fuel, because this is widely available, you won't waste time searching for special high-octane fuels.
  • Standard dual water pick-ups on all Bravo I drives provide a constant flow of water to the engine for enhanced reliability and performance.
  • Every new engine in MerCruiser line-up comes complete with performance-enhancing SmartCraft® technology.
  • This exclusive technology actually monitors and fine-tunes MerCruiser engine to be sure it’s running at peak efficiency and performance - through system features like MerCruiser multiport fuel injection system, Engine Guardian™ and more.
  • The result is a powerful combination of protection and performance.

No two boaters are exactly alike. Which is why MerCruiser offers petrol and diesel engine and drive systems to meet virtually any expectation.

Whether you’re into fishing, cruising, pontooning, or performance boat racing, MerCruiser line-up is designed to help you get the most out of it.

If you would like more information regarding our Mercury and Mercruiser products give us a call.

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